Saturday, November 6, 2010

iPhone and iPad iOS 4.2 Jailbreak Procedures

Apple will be releasing the official iOS 4.2 to the public on November 7th. However, iOS 4.2 Gold Master (for developers) was released November 1st. This means you are able to Jailbreak both your iPhone 4 and iPad 3G Wireless even if it is at version 3.2.2! You do not need your UDID to execute the installation, but you cannot jailbreak either device using iTunes 10... You need to install iTunes 10.1 beta to accomplish this. Please be advised that we take no responsibility for damaging your device following any of the directions below, nor do we condone jailbreaking, we simply offer this as we used it for a test bed to deploy a proprietary app for a client that required it. Also you may be better served waiting for the actual release from Apple and you can easily update both iTunes and iOS in one shot, followed by the jailbreak.

Without further ado, here's our process:

Prepared device by downloading and installing OpenSSH from Cydia / Downloaded and installed WinSCP (sftp client) on Host Windows machine. Made note of IP for device given by internal NAT Router (in our case - - yours would be different). Opened SSH Session using default user root/alpine to device and navigated to folder /private/var/mobile/Documents/Installous/Downloads. Here are where the downloaded IPA files for apps exist. Transfered *.ipa files to local Windows machine backup folder. Turned off automatic sync for iTunes and disconnected device. This concludes the prep work!

Downloaded iTunes Beta v10.1_beta_2 and redsn0w 0.9.6 beta 2.0. Then followed the instructions...

1. Downloaded iOS 4.2 and iOS 4.1.

2. Updated the iOS 4.2 firmware. This will be done using the IPSW file downloaded using the Beta 2 of the iTunes 10.1.

3. Invoked Redsn0w 0.9.6b2 and selected iOS 4.1 IPSW to start the jailbreak.

4. Installed Cydia and then hit Next, making sure iOS device was powered off and plugged to local machine via USB. Held the Power Button and the Home button for a while after which released the Power button only. Held the Home button until the installation procedure began.

5. Redsn0w then took control and continued with jailbreaking device automatically. Device restarted automatically to finalize the jailbreak.

All told, there was an immediate indication of failure from the Cydia loader package, and for good reason... Cydia does not have their new release ready yet for iOS 4.2. The public will not have to wait long, as a sneak screenshot was released that indicated Saurik and team were hard at work to complete the newer, improved version. This sat fine with us, as the devices operate on the iOS 4.2 platform and are only temporarily degraded sans Cydia.

Please note that Apple's final release may or may not have changes from the GM and patches could be applied which render the entire beta deployment useless, causing regression of the work. We shall see on November 7th (on or about!)

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